2018.7.2 閲覧数:1,424
On Wednesday, July 25 2018, we are organizing a One Day Youth Program as cultural exchange opportunity for both Japanese kids and Non-Japanese kids living in Hiroshima.
We are offering only 15 places for this one day event where the children will have the chance to learn a little about Japanese culture, while having the opportuniry to teach others about their own.
The cost is only ¥1,000-Yen, but if you are applying through the following e-mail address, you will be invited with free of charge.
Free invitation: info@americandream.co.jp
The space is limited, so apply today!!
Please see details on the following flyer!!
For Japanese kids, go to the follwing page for Summer English Camp!!
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325.「この夏 英語で大冒険!」ジュニアイングリッシュキャンプ2018
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説明会 広島会場は2018年7月29日(日)です。
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